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Your Family Dentist in Lisle Says Make Travel Toothpaste Last!

June 2, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmarchese @ 12:31 pm

travel sized toothpaste and toothbrushNow that summer has arrived, there’s no telling where adventure may take you. No matter what you decide to do, you want to make sure that you can maintain your oral health by continuing with your basic daily functions – one of which is brushing your teeth. So that you can plan properly, you’re wondering how long your travel-sized toothpaste will last. As you read on, your family dentist in Lisle weighs in with the answers you need, so that you’ll be better prepared to hit the open road!


Your Family Dentist in Lisle Provides Tips to Stop Pacifier Use

May 10, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmarchese @ 3:10 pm

baby playing with clear pacifierOne thing that’s a given with babies is that they’ll cry, because it’s their only way to convey messages of hunger, discomfort, the need for a diaper change or maybe just some attention. As a parent, you eventually learn what the different cries are for and discover how certain things like a pacifier can help in providing some temporary comfort. As he or she gets older and waned from milk, you may even notice a tendency to suckle the thumb, as your child learns self-soothing techniques. Your family dentist in Lisle says this shouldn’t be ignored, though, because it could lead to dental problems, which you’ll learn about as you continue reading.


Your Family Dentist in Lisle Says Avoid These 5 Brushing Mistakes

April 20, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmarchese @ 2:01 pm

woman smiling while brushing teeth

Your normal morning routine is to roll out of bed, head into your restroom and commence brushing your teeth. But what if this daily routine of yours has flaws in its execution that are actually hindering your oral health and preventive care? Your family dentist in Lisle says there are 5 common mistakes that many people make while brushing, which you’ll discover as you continue reading.


Don’t Fear Failure When Getting Dental Implants in Lisle!

April 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmarchese @ 4:07 pm

An older woman examining her teeth.When it comes to dental technology, dental implants are one of the most advanced restorations you can get today. There are no tooth replacement options quite like dental implants, and dentists and patients have been taking notice. However, some patients have understandable concerns revolving around treatment for dental implants. Some are afraid of dental implant failure occurring, causing them additional stress, damage to their teeth, and more costs.

Luckily, when you choose dental implants in Lisle, you’re not just getting replacement teeth. You’re also getting piece of mind. Keep reading to learn how!


3 Reasons Why Dental Implants in Lisle are Your Best Option

March 10, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmarchese @ 8:28 pm

woman smiling preparing to eat appleThere once was a time when people who suffered from missing teeth had one option for restoring the full function of their teeth – dentures. There were a lot of inconveniences that they had to endure, though. Thankfully, there is a better way to restore your smile now with dental implants in Lisle. As you continue reading, your local dentist will explain how the process works and three reasons why it’s the best route for you to take to restore your full function and regain your confidence.


Your Family Dentist in Lisle Protects Your Child with Sealants

March 7, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmarchese @ 8:49 pm

A group of smiling children.If you’ve taken your children to their first dentist visit recently, you probably talked about treatments you should consider in the future. One of these treatments was most likely dental sealants. Dental sealants are hard, clear, plastic barriers that are brushed on the chewing surfaces of teeth. After applying, your dentist in Lisle applies a curing light to harden them, protecting your children from bacteria and food debris from getting caught in the deep pits and fissures in their teeth.

To learn more about the benefits, take a moment to read this new post from your dentist. It just might convince you to get dental sealants for your children.


“Don’t Throw Away That Unused Floss!” Says your Lisle Dentist

February 8, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmarchese @ 6:06 pm

A woman flossing.Every time we finish our regular dental cleaning, the dentist awards us with a complimentary cleaning kit to thank us for our efforts. This kit typically includes a travel size of toothpaste, floss, and a brand-new toothbrush. Since we’re so used to our own at-home care tools, these items can easily find their way into a closet or drawer somewhere where it can sit for months and even years at a time. So, the next time you decide to buy more oral care supplies or clean out your bathroom, take this advice from your Lisle dentist.

Much of those items are still good! Here’s how long you can expect them to last for.


How Can a Lisle Dentist Help You During Your Pregnancy?

February 1, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmarchese @ 6:32 am

pregnant woman dental visitDid you know that when a woman becomes pregnant, they also become a high-risk dental patient? It’s true! There are many changes that your body will undergo when you carry a baby. The good news is that you’ll receive a new life from the experience and that you have a Lisle dentist that’s more than happy to support you throughout your journey.

Keep your smile strong and overall health in good shape when you partner with your local dentist. Learn more about pregnancy and oral health in this week’s blog post!


Simple Tips to Cut Sugar from Your Family Dentist in Lisle

January 7, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmarchese @ 2:05 pm

tall glass of coffee swirls strawOne of the great challenges that you face, is finding a way to be healthy without denying yourself everything that you enjoy. With that being said, one of your favorite morning rituals is to stop at your local coffee shop to order a tall, heaping cup of java. It’s early in the morning and you’ve got a long day ahead of you, so you want the works – every delightful energy booster available. But you’ve recently learned that this is becoming a detriment to your oral health, so you’re looking for some alternatives. Thankfully, your family dentist in Lisle has some solutions to share.


Are Baby Teeth Important? A Family Dentist in Lisle Says Yes!

January 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmarchese @ 6:34 pm
Child at the dentist

Child at the dentist

As a parent, it’s easy to be overwhelmed with all the parenting advice out there! From how much screen time a child should get to what they should be eating, parents are bombarded with information about what they should and shouldn’t be doing for their kids. One thing is for sure: It’s important that your children start seeing the dentist regularly at or before the age of one. This recommendation is widely accepted as the standard of care, according to both dentists and the American Dental Association. As a family dentist in Lisle explains, it’s also one of the best things you can do to give your kids the start they need to have a healthy smile for life.


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